My name is John-Paul, but everyone calls me JP. I'm 12 years old. Beside me is my sister Juliana, who is 10.
Please check out our website to learn more about 'Stuffies 4 Smiles'. Also, we love to hear from you and to say hi, so please send us a message! We appreciate your support, love, donations and for sharing our story. |
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue supporting children in need. Stuffies 4 Smiles is run entirely by our family and volunteers so 100% of your donations will go towards maintaining our website, ordering labels, gas for deliveries, postage and getting donations in the hands of children and other organizations that we hold drives for. The Stuffies 4 Smiles sibling team dedicates over 20 hours a week by updating social media, making cards, drawings, reading and responding to emails, organizing donations, making packages and more. PLEASE CONTACT US TO SEE IF WE ARE COLLECTING STUFFIES.
Registered Non-profit organization 'Stuffies 4 Smiles' was started in August 2019 when Juliana ( age 6) met a homeless man and his dog while attending a Toronto Blue Jay game. Juliana decided to draw a picture and add a Stuffie for them and deliver with her mom the following weekend. The next few weekends consisted of making more pictures and attaching them to her stuffed animals. Her mom who worked in the Downtown core and was very familiar with the homeless community started bringing Stuffies and hand drawn notes for the individuals. This started 'Stuffies 4 smiles' in downtown Toronto and Juliana was on a mission.
Christmas Kid Packages
Custom made slime and fidget boxes made with LOVE by Juliana. All Money raised goes back to Stuffies 4 Smiles.
Why Be a Volunteer?It’s not for the money, it’s not for fame
and it’s not for any personal gain. It’s for love of fellow man, It’s just to lend a helping hand. It’s just to give the tithe of self. That’s something you can’t buy with wealth. It’s not the medals worn with pride. It’s just for that feeling deep inside. It’s that reward down in your heart. It’s the feeling that you’ve been a part Of helping others far and near, That makes you a VOLUNTEER. |
Shirts 4 Sale!
Have your child show their support for anti-bullying by rocking a Stuffies 4 Smiles against bullying' t-shirt
All Shirts can be bought in children and adult sizes ( small, medium, large and extra large for $20.00. Available in pink, yellow and green. Money made from purchased t-shirts will go into our anti-bullying Packages. |
Do your kids want to help the Stuffies 4 Smiles team?
Are you a student looking for Volunteer hours?
If so we are always in need of students to help with packaging, holding drives, deliveries, collecting items for our drives and more.
We also always need drawings, letters and inspirational notes to add to our packages.
We encourage day cares, schools and anyone else to message us to help :) We provide hours for volunteering including community service.
We love making others smile by delivering birthday 'Stuffies 4 Smiles' packages for those that cannot
celebrate birthdays due to Covid-19. We accept any giftable items that are geared towards kids. |
We are looking for drivers to help deliver our donations and help brighten someone's day and volunteer. |
Stuffies 4 Smiles | Milton, Ontario, Canada | 2021 ©