Hi my name is John Paul, but everyone calls me JP. I'm 12 years old and love helping my sister with Stuffies 4 Smiles; it makes me happy to see others smile. I enjoy BOXING, SOCCER, BASKETBALL and gaming. I also understand Polish and I'm learning Italian. My favorite color is green and my best friend was my dog Milo. Milo passed away March, 30, 2021 at age 10.5 :( we miss him so much. We now have a new doggy Mr Murphy who is a little rascal. I am a big animal lover and enjoy watching the birds too. I really hope one day I can be a Psychologist. Thank you for taking the time to support us.
Hi I'm Juliana and I'm 10 Yrs old. I am so happy that I can help make others smile. I have been helping people since I was very little. My friends and family call me a little philanthropist. I started selling my toys and raising money for animals and children in need by the age of 3. I really hope one day I can travel and help children around the world. I really enjoy crafts, animals and my trampoline. I am a competitive cheerleader and LOVE SHOPPING. My favorite colors are purple and pink. I love school and my friends. I also make my own slime and raise money for our charity by selling it :) Thank you for helping me with my cause.
Stuffies 4 Smiles | Milton, Ontario, Canada | 2021 ©